Where to Find True Spirituality

Mary Miesem
4 min readMay 21, 2023


It’s gotten to be stylish these days to profess that one is a spiritual seeker. As the world becomes more chaotic and unpredictable, many begin to seek something to explain it all, and there is no dearth of celebrities who are willing to expound on their discovery of some program or system that gives them that inner feeling of peace and harmony that we all want for ourselves.

But what is spirituality, really? Is it a belief system that includes community worship and certain practices? So-called New Age spirituality is a smorgasbord of many approaches. You can pick anything you want from the banquet table and there is a belief that they are all equal and take us all to the same place. This is a comforting theory, but I think there is more to true spirituality than this.

Some Commonly Held Ideas about the Nature of Spirituality

· Mystical spirituality — based on the idea that life is a mysterious event, yet there is a greater unifying principle to every human experience.

· Authoritarian spirituality — associated with religious beliefs, entailing a set of rules and a hierarchical structure.

· Intellectual spirituality — a study of spiritual theories, such as theology or even science.

· Service spirituality — helping others unconditionally, transcending what’s known of self and having a direct experience of oneness.

· Social spirituality — having spiritual experiences as part of a group that isn’t necessarily related to religious or spiritual activities.

Each approach captures a piece of the essence of spirituality, but none offers a path that will remain meaningful and engaging over time. There is no commitment to a specific path, but a suggestion that we can pick and choose how we express the deepest part of ourselves and can jump from one approach to another.

What Should We Experience?

The world today is a scary place. Humanity is experiencing widespread military conflicts, poverty and hunger, political chaos, increasing crime rates, and general suspicion about and hatred toward each other. Governments on all levels enact laws designed to change these circumstances, but none of these decrees address the underlying cause — a lack of true spirituality among us.

The spiritual is selfless bestowal, an inner state in which we derive all our pleasure from caring for others before ourselves. In other words, we act on behalf of others without any feelings of inner satisfaction or self-praise. The heart is filled with a desire to fulfill everything outside of ourselves. We constantly practice the proper use of life itself.

You’re thinking that you already do this, right? Take the time to examine yourself. Where do you experience pleasure? Is it positive feelings about the nobility of your actions, or is the only pleasure in the doing of the action? You might try performing an action that benefits someone, but you don’t like doing. Did you feel pleasure in the performance of that action?

Reaching this state requires conscious practice to move through measurable states, developing from self to the whole. The methodology is the science called the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is not theoretical, but a concrete science that can be felt in the heart, that uses the matter of this world to rise to higher and higher levels of consciousness. It is a study of the forces above the material world. It is putting your ladder down in one place and climbing upward, that is, testing the method and having a direct experience of whether it works or not.

Am I Trying to Sell Kabbalah to You?

Well, yes, but mostly to inform. After decades of searching — trying different churches, listening to self-styled gurus, traveling to hear talks about spirituality — it was only when I discovered this fascinating and elegant wisdom that I began to plumb the depths of this thing called spirituality. I found in it a method for attaining true spirituality that anyone can practice with no prerequisites except a strong desire. So, if you’re curious you can go here. If not, it’s okay. Kabbalah is a unique wisdom for those who feel a yearning for truth. Here is how to find the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Reaching this state requires conscious practice to move through measurable states, developing from self to the whole. The methodology is the science called the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is not theoretical, but a concrete science that can be felt in the heart, that uses the matter of this world to rise to higher and higher levels of consciousness. It is a study of the forces above the material world. It is putting your ladder down in one place and climbing upward, that is, testing the method and having a direct experience of whether it works or not.




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